The past two September 11th’s were days of semi-depression, but at least they were work days, so that I had other matters to distract my mind. This year, not having that palliative, I am grateful for the comic relief offered by CBS’s increasingly farcical defense of its Killian forgeries. The main story has itself grown bizarre, as Dan Rather & Co. shout “TRUST US!!” into a wind howling like Charley, Frances and Ivan combined, and bloggers have supplemented it with humorous embellishments, such as –
The Tragedy of Omlet, Prince of Massachusetts (Fragment 1, Fragment 2)
- CBS Stands Behind Imperial Wardrobe Claims
- Georg Bush kik
ged my dog - Forged Documents Are Crucial to Good Journalism
A Friendly Reminder to CBS and Its ApologistsVoters Give Bush High Marks for War on Rather
I’m sure that I’ve missed many worthy efforts and will add them as I run across them. Two soberer notes: 1. Piling on more evidence isn’t necessary at this point, but isn’t it odd that Colonel Killian, who his widow says did not know how to type, composed all four of the purported memos without a single typographical error or visible correction? Awfully painstaking work for a hunt-and-pecker dashing off memos to the file! 2. Will these forgeries be the last? One of the perpetrator’s many mistakes was to break this story seven weeks in advance of the election instead of the Thursday before. I shall not be at all surprised if, on about October 28, 2004, the headlines and news broadcasts are dominated by “documentary evidence” that George W. Bush once trafficked in cocaine. And the next forger may have the forethought to do his work on an actual typewriter. They still can be found here and there, you know. Update (9/13/04): Thanks to Rathergate for the link. Check the Comments for additional fun and games.
Why so early? My guess is that this was pushed out at this time to put an end to Senator Kerry's slide and allow him to regain the initiative.
Posted by: Mikey | Monday, September 13, 2004 at 12:22 PM
I too was puzzled about the timing of these bogus memos, it seemed that they would have been held off until 3 to 5 days before Nov. 2, as you suggested. But I think that the Kerry campaign is desperate to reverse the slide in the polls, and figured they had to throw something out there now. As you noted, the next forgeries will be much prepared with far better circumstances, and I would guess that there will be more than one of them: docs concerning cocaine, Bush aiding in abortions, probably a rape claim by several women. I would bet that they Dems are searching for women who dated Bush or who were in his circle of friends at Yale or during his Air Guard era to step forward and proclaim their "rape" by chimpy.
Posted by: John Cunningham | Monday, September 13, 2004 at 11:57 AM
Plugging my own line of merchandise:
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Posted by: comedian | Monday, September 13, 2004 at 09:44 AM
<promotion type="self" shameless="true">
More Rathergate merchandise available by clicking on my name below.
Posted by: Brandon | Monday, September 13, 2004 at 09:24 AM
The fun doesn't stop there folks. Click on my name/url and you'll find a MovableType plug-in that'll help you automate your 'Ratherisms' ... that is superscript your "th's" ... There's also a comment from one of the HYCW Culties who wrote a WordPress Filter equivalent to do the same.
Posted by: Mean Dean | Monday, September 13, 2004 at 09:10 AM