Either the Kerry campaign’s internal polling is looking desperate or the candidate has completely lost control of his mouth. His latest charge is that the shortage of flu vaccine is President Bush’s fault.
If you can’t plan to have enough of that vaccine, what are they doing with respect to the other things that could potentially hurt America in terms of bioterrorism, chemical terrorism, other kinds ofthings? . . .
You’re telling me your flu shots are canceled because this administration was unwilling to play straight with the American people. That’s wrong. As a value system, that’s just wrong — not to mention the incompetence of not planning so that you know you have enough vaccine.
Anybody who follows health care issues at all knows that the immediate reason for this season’s vaccine shortage is the discovery of tainted doses at a British plant, which was promptly shut down by the U.K. authorities. It was slated to produce half of America’s vaccine requirement. There is no way to compensate for the shortfall, because very few companies manufacture vaccines. The reason for the shortage of manufacturers is the heavy risk of tort liability. And the reason for that is that the Democratic Party’s loyalty to its principal source of political contributions: plaintiffs’ trial lawyers.
If we’re going to talk about who “has a plan” and “plays straight with the American people”, is it the candidate who has identified the broken tort system as a major problem and proposed steps to reform it, or the one who has consistently opposed reform and whose “plan”, so far as one can tell, is to pull flu vaccine out of the same magic hat the contains tens of thousands of allied troops to take over in Iraq?