Okay, the Kerry-Media Campaign wants voters to make their decisions on the basis of neutral competence. Fine. I’ll go along with that.
On one side, we have the commander-in-chief in two swift, brilliantly executed military campaigns. Overseeing a war is about as strenuous a test of competence as exists. In retrospect, we may think that Afghanistan and Iraq were easy, but that wasn’t the way that they looked beforehand. Plenty of experts predicted long, tough campaigns, and they had good grounds for pessimism. We could have been drawn into an endless, bloody stalemate in Afghanistan, just like the Russians in the 80’s. The drive to Baghdad could have been a bloody slog followed by a bloodier siege, as many military commentators expected. (I more than once heard the Iraqi capital compared to Stalingrad.) The aftermath of Saddam’s fall could have been a montage of burning oil wells, epidemics, desperate refugees, food shortages and the other disasters forecast by relief agencies. With all of the dire, and not implausible, scenarios that might have been, it is astounding that Afghanistan has just completed free elections and that all but a sliver of Iraq is peaceful and beginning to prosper.
Not everything in either country is perfect, but is it really true that all of the good things are due to luck and all the bad to incompetence?
On the other side is a candidate who has trouble with the challenge of running a political campaign. He takes a long time to make up his mind, churns his staff incessantly, is inordinately influenced by the last advisor to get his
Further Reading: Charles Krauthammer, “Kerry’s Afghan Amnesia”
Chicago Boyz, “Nonsensical Criticism of Bush,
If the New York Post has it right, another believer in Bush’s competence is Osama bin Laden:
Officials said that in the 18-minute long tape — of which only six minutes were aired on the al-Jazeera Arab television network in the Middle East on Friday — bin Laden bemoans the recent democratic elections in Afghanistan and the lack of violence involved with it.
On the tape, bin Laden also says his terror organization has been hurt by the U.S. military’s unrelenting manhunt for him and his cohorts on the Afghan-Pakistani border. [Via The Truth Laid Bear"]