One hardly ever meets a liberal who doesn’t believe that the United States would be an infinitely better place were it only more like Canada. Here we labor in the tightening grip of fascism. North of the border, meanwhile, all is peace, serenity, New Age fuzzy
Bloggers in Canada are deleting posts after Warren Kinsella, an aide to former Prime Minister Jean Chretien, threatened them with legal action. [Cicada]
Upon threat of legal action from the wise, courageous, and apparently unchallengeable Warren Kinsella, I have pulled my previous post.
I'm not a lawyer, like Warren Kinsella, LL.B. I don't know if what I wrote meets the legal definition of defamation, and I can't afford to find out, so I've deleted the post. [Babbling Brooks]
BlogsCanada asks, “Who is Warren Kinsella and why is he threatening bloggers?” The quick answer is that he is a bigshot Toronto lawyer and former aide to the former Prime Minister. He likes to wear “George Bush is an Internationalist Terrorist” t-shirts. He doesn’t like to be criticized himself, and so he has launched legal threats against bloggers with unkind words to say about the Chrétien administration and particularly about the Adscam scandal.
Here in the proto-fascist U.S., nobody would pay attention. In Canada, everybody does, and the offending posts vanish from the Internet. Ah, freedom!
Catullus, it seems, could write more harshly about a Roman dictator than a modern Canadian dare about a democratically elected leader’s minion.
Nil nimium studeo, Caesar, tibi velle placere,
nec scire utrum sis albus an ater homo.
Tu quoque, Kinsella.