Through a quirk of history, the autonomous region of the Åland Islands (“Ahvenanmaa” in Finnish) enjoys the right, enshrined in the constitution of Finland, to veto treaties entered into by the government in Helsinki. For reasons explained by the Daily Telegraph, that oddity may help preserve the European Union from the misbegotten Giscard Constitution.
Voters in France and the Netherlands rejected the Constitution last year, but you know how much democracy counts with EU bureaucrats. Plans are afoot to revive the document and enact it without the consent of the governed. It is the Eurocrats’ misfortune that the Ålands have been victims of Brussels’ drive for socialist uniformity.
The islanders’ revolt has been brewing for some time. First, this community of Swedish-speaking Finns lost the right to fish at sea with traditional nets.
Then Ålanders saw their beloved spring duck hunting virtually abolished. To the Alanders’ final outrage, local laws on consuming “snus” or Swedish chewing tobacco, are about to be quashed by the European Court ofJustice. . . .
Snus, a form of chewing tobacco, has been outlawed by EU fiat in every nation except Sweden, which secured a special opt-out as a condition of its joining the EU, and in every region – except Åland.
The Commission recently took Finland to court to quash Åland’s snus law. But Finland has no power to change that law. Finland does not control laws covering health in Åland; Åland does.
Åland is not allowed to defend its law before the justices in Luxembourg because the court recognises only nations. So the court is set to convict and fine Åland, without allowing the island’s government to plead its case.
For some reason, unfathomable to the Brussels way of thinking, the Ålanders are upset by this form of due process of law, so they are now threatening to prevent Finland from ratifying the proposed Constitution, which would kill it again.
It would be optimistic to think that the Lords of Europa will bow to a few thousand duck hunting, tobacco chewing fishermen. If necessary, I’m sure, the EU will override the Finnish Constitution for the sake of its own. Still, it is heartening to see resistance. Maybe America should offer aid to these European dissidents. I had never before heard of snus but will defend to the death the right of the people of Åland to chew it!
Further reading: Chresten Anderson, “Finnish Island Wants to Leave EU” (the article that attracted the Telegraph to this genuine David vs. Goliath story)