If Global Warming will have catastrophic consequences, we should be looking for effective ways to stave them off, right? Apparently not:
Politicians in New Jersey are currently bidding to join several other states in passing anti-global warming legislation. There is a bill making its way through the legislature that would commit the state to California-type emissions reductions of 80% by 2050.
The Environment New Jersey Research & Policy Center has just produced a widely-noticed report in support of this bill predicting apocalyptic impacts – Inundated boardwalks! Heat deaths! Floods! – across New Jersey if we don’t head off global warming at thepass. . . .
The proposed solution for New Jersey: reduce emissions. This is ludicrous. New Jersey could drive its emissions to literally zero tomorrow morning, and it would not measurably impact any of these projected problems. On the other hand, there is not one single recommendation about changes to seaside zoning or building codes, constructing jetties, reservoir engineering or anything else that would ameliorate potential impacts. You know, anything practical. Unlike, say, passing a law that simply mandates a complete restructuring of the state’s economy in order not to solve a potential problem decades from now.
Now and then one suspects that the Warmists prefer making the world – at least the developed world – take its medicine to curing its disease.
Further reading: Indur M. Goklany, “Living with Global Warming”