Though their number may be diminishing, one still runs into soi-disant “social conservatives” who think that Vladimir Putin is one of their own. Sure, he lives with a concubine and occasionally has his opponents murdered, but only a squishy cuckservative makes a big deal about things like that. Perhaps Putinophiles will have second thoughts if they peruse this article on his campaign to rehabilitate the reputation of Josef Stalin.
The rationale for that effort is the Soviet tyrant’s supposed achievement of elevating Russia to the status of Great Power. Tsar Putin admires his predecessor’s expansion of Soviet power beyond the farthest reaches ruled by the Romanovs. He ignores the countervailing fact that, except perhaps for the Mongol Invasion and the Time of Troubles, no period of Russian history was more disastrous for the Russian people. That is the attitude of a ruler who, in his heart, values his subjects only as serfs whose sacrifices will redound to their master’s glory.