Maybe there is a story worth noticing in the James Guckert/Jeff Gannon affair, just not the one that the Left is working so hard to flog.
The “Gannongate” meme consists, in essence, of two elements: that the aspiring reporter was a “Republican shill” and that he once worked for a homosexual “escort” service. The combination is decried as scandalous, which is odd when one recalls that the politically correct leftist opinion is that there is nothing wrong with any sort of sexual relations among consenting adults. If Mr. Guckert were a liberal journalist, I’m sure that any negative comments about his past would draw immediate accusations of bigotry from Atrios, Daily Kos and the rest of the left-wing blogosphere (and likewise from large segments of the center and right).
But the cynosure of this kerfuffle happens to be a professed conservative who, until harassed out of a job, worked for a Web site set up to disseminate news favorable to Republicans. He seems to have been an energetic reporter and capable writer, if not an adept at devising questions for White House press conferences. (Right-wing mirror images of Helen Thomas’ crazy tirades don’t do much to advance the conservative cause. A real Karl Rove plant would have asked neutrally phrased questions that offered openings for pro-GOP points that would otherwise get lost in the news shuffle.) His abilities might in time have earned him a significant spot in the small corps of right-of-center journalists, but he was as yet not celebrity, and his employer, Talon News, has a minuscule audience.
So why should the Kossacks decide to ride this obscure figure out of town, and why should the elite media now treat him as a poster boy for Rovian dirty tricks? If they regard his day pass to Administration press briefings as a threat, their paranoia surpasses what even I can believe. Rather, we appear to have an instance of policing a leftist plantation. Just as uppity blacks who espouse non-liberal views are reviled, so, too, are homosexuals expected to toe the ideological line. Strays like Guckert/Gannon are punished by all available means, including exposés of their private lives that would be intolerable if conducted by Instapundit or Little Green Footballs.
The two sides of the spectrum both offer what might be termed “bargains” to homosexuals. The Left promises to promote official government recognition of same-sex relationships, provided that the beneficiaries adhere to the leftist agenda. For those who don’t, there is the threat of persecution quite as vigorous as was customary in the early part of the last century (i. e., shunning and shaming rather than imprisonment).
The Right makes a much more limited promise: to pay as little attention to out-of-sight sexual conduct as feasible and to rein in allies who show a propensity for queer-baiting. Nothing is asked in return but a gentlemanly degree of discretion.
Both of these offers are, to be frank, politically motivated. Very few heterosexuals feel sincere neutrality, much less approval, when they contemplate homosexual practices. Those who believe in the reality of liberal sympathy might ponder Bill Clinton’s remarkable whitewashing of “gays” from his account of his own Presidency, a feat that has, so far as I can tell, drawn absolutely no adverse attention from the Left.
I’m in no position to instruct homosexuals about their own political interests. I can, however, draw an analogy that may be instructive: Soviet-era Romania, uniquely among communist regimes, gave official support to Christianity. Orthodox priests, churches, schools and publications were financed by the government. In return, Christians had to give undeviating allegiance the Ceausescu tyranny’s political line. Those who didn’t were hounded, imprisoned or murdered.
Was that a good bargain for Christians? Were they better off with communist solicitude or the indifference of the secular West? American homosexuals face similar questions and, in answering them, may wish to think about how their “friends” have treated a man who tried to leave the lavender plantation.
Further reading: Power Line, “The Insanity of the American Left”; “Have They No Shame? No, Actually They Don’t”